Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average size of your tiny homes?

Our tiny homes range in size from 200 square feet to 400 square feet, allowing you to choose the perfect fit for your lifestyle and available space. We offer a variety of floor plans to accommodate different needs and preferences.

How long does it take to build and deliver a tiny home?

The construction timeline for a custom-built tiny home typically ranges from 8 to 12 weeks, depending on the complexity of the design and any additional customizations. Once your tiny home is complete, we will coordinate the delivery to your desired location, which can take an additional 1-2 weeks.

Do your tiny homes come with a warranty

Yes, all of our tiny homes come with a comprehensive 5-year warranty that covers the structure, appliances, and major components. This ensures your investment is protected and gives you peace of mind in your new home.

Can I customize the layout and features of my tiny home?

Absolutely! One of the major benefits of working with [Your Tiny Homes Website] is our ability to provide a truly customized tiny home experience. Our design team will work closely with you to understand your needs and preferences, and we can modify the floor plan, materials, and features to create your dream tiny home.

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